The Dee Estuary
The Dee Estuary is a historically industrialised landscape of 13, 758 hectares that borders both England, (the Wirral Peninsular) and Wales (Flintshire). A funnel shaped estuary, it provides a watery cut between Wales and England. It separates two countries, and is also a space of intermixing - between salt water at the opening of the estuary and freshwater at the head, which makes for a brackish co-mingling and which itself results in marshes, mudflats, swampland and specially constructed lagoons. The habitat created by this mingling of waters has made the Dee Estuary one of the most significant sites of scientific interest for bird life in Europe. It has also made it an edge land inhabited not only by birds but also by key aspects of our industrial society that can only exist at a remove from centres of aesthetic beauty and population density. As well as being a space of wildlife, this is also a space of industry and insecurity. It is a space of mixing between industrial infrastructure and nature and one in which people, technology and animals and plants have to find ways of cohabiting a space with shifting social, political, economic and natural terrains.